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Yoga tools from Sadhguru

Isha Foundation
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1.4 k downloads

Enhance well-being with five-minute yoga practices anytime, anywhere

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Transform your daily routine into a journey towards well-being with the Yoga Tools from Sadhguru app. Engage with seven distinct five-minute yoga practices that cater to different aspects of your life, ranging from health and success to joy and love. The practices are rooted in Upa Yoga, a science-based approach designed to enhance vitality, improve focus, and foster peace.

Experience the convenience of self-paced learning through guided instruction videos, complete with demonstrations and comprehensive explanations. These high-quality resources are available offline, allowing you uninterrupted access without the need for an internet connection once downloaded.

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The platform addresses physical, psychological, and energy dimensions with practices such as Yoga for Health – which activates energy nodules in joints – and movements that incorporate powerful yoga namaskars for overall well-being. Balancing the pranic energy flow for psychological well-being and utilizing the sensitivity of the palms to cultivate inner warmth are just some examples of how it covers a broad spectrum of needs.

The ergonomic design ensures that practices can be undertaken anytime, anywhere, and by anyone over the age of seven. Whether individually or in sequence, the targeted exercises are ideal for those with a busy schedule. Adhering to the guidelines, such as maintaining a light stomach, will maximize benefits.

The game invites you to unlock the door to a fulfilling life marked by improved health, mental clarity, and inner harmony. Join the millions who have benefited from this transformational journey and step into a lifestyle of enhanced well-being.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Isha Foundation.

Information about Yoga tools from Sadhguru 1.0

Package Name org.ishafoundation.app.yoga
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Fitness
Language English
Author Isha Foundation
Downloads 1,439
Date Aug 11, 2016
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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